How do I edit, hide, or delete a project?
Do you want to modify a published work?
Be careful!
Before removing a project, it is better to check whether it has been included in our Atlas.
Watch the tutorial to EDIT YOUR WORKS
From your DIVISAREWEBSITE, click on "EDIT SITE" on the right top corner of the browser window, and open the item "PROJECTS" in the main bar.
Here you can edit:
- the description at "STEP 1",
- the list of authors at "STEP 2",
- the visual documentation at "STEP 3",
- the additional credits and project data at "STEP 4",
At "STEP 1", click on the "TRASH" button to delete the project. Remember that the command cannot be undone.
At "STEP 3", change credits, choose the project cover, drag and drop images, turn them on and off (putting a image offline means that it will no longer appear on your portfolio, but only in DIVISARE Atlas).
At "STEP 4", credit the authors not registered on DIVISARE, clients, collaborators. Add technical info, dimensions, and whatever else you want to mention.
Want to know more?
Learn how to use DIVISARE WEBSITES
Questions, feedback or bugs?
Email us: [email protected]