
The new divisare books are small format pocket-book size, in limited editions of 200 copies, high-resolution digital printed, bound, with a hardcover, finished in fine English paper. Titles on the cover are silver foil hot stamped. We attach great importance to the tactile quality of the book as an object as well as, of course, its contents. Unlike the web that runs fast and vanishes faster, leaving no trace, Our books have the aim of lasting in time. The idea is simple: printed paper instead of pixels; we just want to invite you to get away from the screens of your devices for a moment, to sit back in a favorite armchair and enjoy a good read, in the old fashioned way.
The Architecture of the City Aldo Rossi
A Scientific Autobiography  Aldo Rossi
Six Memos for the Next Millennium Italo Calvino
La composizione. Commentari Gian Carlo Leoncilli Massi
Estetica del vuoto Giangiorgio Pasqualotto
Una lezione sul disegno Franco Purini
Che cosa è l'architettura Francesco Venezia
Capolavori Livio Vacchini
Identity of architecture Paolo Zermani
Domus 1928-1999 Vols. 1-12 Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Cuore The Heart Of A Boy Edmondo de Amicis
Renzo Piano Francesco Dal Co
Adolf Loos e il suo Angelo. «Das andere» e altri scritti Massimo Cacciari
La costruzione logica dell'architettura (1967) Giorgio Grassi
Architettura Contemporanea Manfredo Tafuri e Francesco dal Co
Scritti scelti sull’architettura e la città 1956-1972 Aldo Rossi
Storia Sociale Della Fotografia Ando Gilardi
La città invisibile Mimmo Jodice