
BCDF studio

AACC - Charlotte Carrasco, BCDF studio · aldilà office
aldilà office
Ajaccio - France
minuit, BCDF studio · Maison Morvan
Maison Morvan
Morvan - France
Architecture by minuit
OUI Architecture, BCDF studio · Construction of Two housing units
Construction of Two housing units
Bruxelles - Belgium
Architecture by OUI Architecture
OUI Architecture, BCDF studio · Rénovation of the a triplex apartment
Rénovation of the a triplex apartment
Paris - France
Architecture by OUI Architecture
Jules Brisson, BCDF studio · Le Betteravier français
Le Betteravier français
Paris - France
Architecture by Jules Brisson
Atelier Leymarie Gourdon, BCDF studio · La Beer Fabrique
La Beer Fabrique
Paris - France
Architecture by Atelier Leymarie Gourdon
lemoal&lemoal architectes, ELODIE DUPUIS, BCDF studio · Pierre Chevet sports hall
Pierre Chevet sports hall
Croissy Beaubourg - France
With photos also by ELODIE DUPUIS