

"Vers un architecture en Pierre” is the title of Giuseppe Fallacara's book about the history of this building and of this great work of architecture and engineering called “Hypargate". The intent of the Architecture School of Bari, paraphrasing the famous passage from LeCorbusier is precisely to let revive the tradition, certain that the great architecture of ancient remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration that can generate a modern architecture.

The SNBR, one of the pioneering companies in the field of restoration in France, was able to understand the architecture of Giuseppe Fallacara and its deeper meaning. His involvement in the field of stone and the environment in which one works the material, led her to become a pioneer in the adoption of the most modern technologies for the treatment and size of the material.

The Architecture, with capital letter, is something that constructs a link between our short period on this Earth and Eternity. These days in total connection and silence inside and around this building permitted me to live a total experience. An immersion inside my history and my formation as architect in Bari.
Enjoy my reportage.
GaZ Blanco | www.gaZblanco.com

Photos by GaZ Blanco Ph