Aitor Estévez
Aitor Estévez is a photographer of architecture based in Barcelona, Spain.
Email: [email protected] -
Gureak industrial pavilionDonostia - SpainArchitecture by Estudio Beldarrain
Apartment renovationDurango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
BLUE MIRRORDurango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
GEOMETRIC LANDSCAPE 2.0Durango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
Covering of a pelota court in UsurbilUsurbil - SpainArchitecture by UR arquitectura
SAN ANTONIO SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDDurango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
Plaza El Sol Renovation in SestaoSestao - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura, TARTE
Self-sufficient single family house in ArgentonaArgentona - SpainArchitecture by SUMO Arquitectes
Refurbishment and enlargement of the Mar Bella SchoolBarcelona - SpainArchitecture by SUMO Arquitectes
House in DurangoDurango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
ELKANO TWO APARTMENTSDonostia - San Sebastian - SpainArchitecture by PAUZARQ Arquitectos
HOUSING IN BELLVER DE CERDANYABellver de Cerdanya, Lleida - SpainArchitecture by Sau Taller d'Arquitectura
Kurutziaga IkastolaDurango - SpainArchitecture by ele arkitektura
The way through the forest. Urban reconnetion through two public liftsErrenteria - SpainArchitecture by VAUMMWith photos also by Aitor Ortiz
Espacio Transmisor del Dolmen Megalítico de SeróSeró-Artesa de Segre - SpainArchitecture by Toni Gironès