
Aitor Ortiz

  • IDOM, Aitor Ortiz · Bus Station integrated in the Santiago de Compostela Intermodal Station
    Bus Station integrated in the Santiago de Compostela Intermodal Station
    Santiago de Compostela - Spain
    Architecture by IDOM
  • IDOM, Juan Cardona, Aitor Ortiz · Park & Ride Parking facility Nantes
    Park & Ride Parking facility Nantes
    Nantes - France
    Architecture by IDOM
    With photos also by Juan Cardona
  • IDOM, Aitor Ortiz · Healthcare Centre in Valenzá
    Healthcare Centre in Valenzá
    Valenzá - Spain
    Architecture by IDOM
  • IDOM, Aitor Ortiz · 58 Public Housing
    58 Public Housing
    Leioa - Spain
    Architecture by IDOM
  • IDOM, Aitor Ortiz · Salburúa Civic Center
    Salburúa Civic Center
    Salburua - Spain
    Architecture by IDOM
  • ACXT, Aitor Ortiz · Historical Archive of the Basque Country
    Historical Archive of the Basque Country
    Bilbao - Spain
    Architecture by ACXT
  • ACXT, Aitor Ortiz · Nerua Restaurant
    Nerua Restaurant
    Bilbao - Spain
    Architecture by ACXT
  • VAUMM , Aitor Ortiz · Urban Elevator in Galtzaraborda
    Urban Elevator in Galtzaraborda
    errenteria - Spain
    Architecture by VAUMM