
Theodor-Fischer-Strasse Elementary School

Integrative, flexible and integrated into the neighbourhood to scale.
The municipal elementary school on Theodor-Fischer-Strasse is located in a steadily growing residential area in Munich’s Untermenzing district. The site, on the north-western edge of the city and formerly used for agriculture, is characterised by detached residential buildings that form a uniformly loose development structure. Against this background, the new school building appears as a decidedly small-scale building volume consisting of three different-height structures. The most important role in this ensemble is played by the two 29 x 43 m school buildings. They stand at an angle on the street sides to the north and west of the site and are linked by a glass connecting building. The tallest building, with four storeys, shows a high urban presence at the intersection of Theodor-Fischer-Strasse and Pasinger Heuweg and yet remains at a respectful distance from the neighbouring buildings due to its clearly set-back location. The three-storey school building, on the other hand, is much closer to the street, forming an offset that creates a spatially contained entrance courtyard. The lowest building in the ensemble is the double-purpose gymnasium half buried in the ground at the very east of the site.

Photos by Aldo Amoretti