
carbondale branch library

Carbondale is a small mountain town in Colorado, USA, home to a vocal community of foodies, recreationists, artists and eccentrics.
Slowness is a supportive component of the public library experience, which relies on chance encounters with both library materials and other patrons for its success.
An elaborated ceiling hierarchy is played off a uniform ground plane, creating varied spatial and day-lighting conditions across an open field of programmatic settings. This encourages a meandering choreography and at the same time, is coextensive with selected exterior situations both near and far.
A glazed entry portico at the north includes a channel glass screen that allows southern light to animate what is otherwise a cold, north-facing terrain. The play of alpine light informs the representational content of the public front of the library, utilizing the quality of this exceptional light and air for poetic ends, with this simple, yet responsive material.
