
Flow Apartment

One year after the opening of Flow Hostel in 2016, the lodging was extended with an apartment in the same historic building with four new private rooms. All the units at FLow Apartment were required to provide double-size beds for couples that can be transformed into single ones as well. Instead of designing individual pieces of furniture we opted for making interventions that transform the geometry of the rooms: a forty-centimeter-high podium was built in each room as an elevation of the floor providing adequate surface for mattresses. Another horizontal plane was added at the level of the window sills extending them to serve as private chilling zones with a view to the historic city center. By continuing this plane next to the walls, places emerge that are suitable to store small personal belongings, while the resulting vertical side of this complementary structure can be used as headrests.
The project is an experiment of how to utilize hidden spatial possibilities in a given physical setting and make it usable as a comfortable hotel room without the implementation of any specific furniture.
