
Hyvlatånnå Church [The Flesh of the Mountain]

Concept for a temporary church in Preikestolen, Forsand, Norway

“Here on this high plateau | time is divided into seconds, minutes, hours, years,
And centuries.
Suspended | in absolutely transparent air and water and time,
I take on a kind of crystalline being.
In this translucent | immense here and now, if ever,
The form of the person should be visible, its geometry, its crystallography, and
Its astronomy.
The good and the evil of my history | go by.
I can see them and weigh them.
They go first, with all | the other personal facts, and sensations, and desires.
At last there is nothing left | but knowledge, itself a vast crystal
Encompassing | the limitless crystal of air and rock and water.
And the two crystals are perfectly
There is nothing to say about them. Nothing at all.
The holiness of the real
Is always there, accessible
In total immanence. The nodes
Of transcendence coagulate
In you, the experiencer,
And in the other, the lover.”
Kennet Rexroth, Time Is The Mercy Of Eternity
