Behind the Wall. Spaces for creative minds
Lighthouse Sea Hotel, YAC - Young Architects Competitions
Requalification and transformation of the ancient lighthouse in Capo Murro di Porco (Syracuse, Italy) in a Lighthouse Art Hotel: a new landmark where art and pleasure are merged into the nature. A new space in which all the artists can find inspiration and show their talent.
In Behind the Wall the duplicity of the wall is hidden. Indeed it is both a boundary maker and a device through which to observe the surrounding landscape and what happens inside the structure.
The topic of the house with a low fence is not so far from the Sicilian reality: in fact examples can be found not only in the houses near the natural reserve of Capo Murro di Porco, but the Lighthouse itself is a striking example.
The wall, and consequently the development of the project, is an extreme version of this concept: the high wall replaces the low wall and the functional blocks, placed along the perimeter, try to break this "barrier". The wall is not continuous, but is interrupted at the existing buildings: it allows, not only to make the old visible from the new, but it does nothing but emphasize the existing buildings.
The poetry of the landscape has meant that the choice of the type of hotel fall back on the lighthouse art hotel: in a very different reality from the urban chaos, here the artist can nourish his soul and can better express his creativity, surrounded by a striking landscape and a surreal quietness.
The creation of a room without a roof, placed on the fulcrum toward which all the blocks look and natural projection of the lighthouse toward the sea, offers an additional place, much more intimate, in which to reflect, find themselves, think and alienate themselves, this time away from the creative ferment that is inside the structure.
Fifteen minutes of fame: A new space for the art is opened to the public. Everybody has the possibility to appreciate not only the famous international artists, but also the young and emerging ones, with their pieces created in the Ateliers.
The sky in a Room: Three walls, three frames, three points of view. Placed in the fulcrum and at the end of the cut, this space without a roof is the natural projection of the Lighthouse: a place for thinking and observing the landscape.
The Room as a blank canvas: The eleven total, white rooms will be assigned to eleven young Italian street artists to make them an exclusive and particular experience.