XXI Triennale di Milano. Pavilion
A project by Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza, organised and coordinated by Domus with the Milan Triennale from 5 April to 12 September 2016.
This project was originally destined for the Giardino della Guastalla, and has now ended up in the Parco della Triennale. Although the trees are now different, it has maintained its original form almost intact: a small pavilion to pass through, located at the end of a pathway protected by a wall. Against the wall, a long seat offers a moment’s rest. The small pavilion has no true door. A full-height section of the wall opens slightly inwards. Here, in the half-light, a “chapel” slightly detached from the main construction – a capsule of bright light – houses Ettore Spalletti’s work. A tall, narrow opening on the opposite side from the entrance leads back to the park outside. The material nature of the construction expresses its transitory character. It is constructed almost completely out of sheets of wood with the insertion of a part made in panels of travertine as a trace of the perpetual aspiration that leads wooden architecture to petrify. Only the exterior of the “chapel” is entirely cladded in travertine, denoting its role.
Francesco Venezia, 30 Marzo 2016
”I colori che caratterizzano di più il mio lavoro sono l’azzurro e il rosa. L’azzurro è un colore atmosferico, in cui siamo continuamente immersi: è il colore del cielo.”
Ettore Spalletti
”Il progetto, deve porsi come scopo di conseguire una doppia azione: una risalita verso le forme fondamentali dell’architettura antica e un richiamo nel presente di quelle stesse forme, rendendole attuali, oserei dire familiari.”
Francesco Venezia