Camposaz 2:2 Transacqua - Casa Piazza
Camposaz is a workshop that takes place in the Valle di Primiero (TN) – Italy, in an area of great landscape value at the feet of the Dolomites. The aim of the workshop is to design and self-build wooden architectural objects for landscape enhancement.
During the Camposaz workshop the participants are required to ideate and assemble wood constructions, following the thematic suggestions provided by the organizers and developing eco-friendly, practical and sustainable design projects. Camposaz is an initiative stemming from the collaboration between the Municipality of Transacqua (TN) and the cultural associations "Aguaz": and "Campomarzio":
At the edge of the historical center of Fiera di Primiero, within the municipality of Transacqua, there is a XVII century building, known as “Casa Piazza”. Even though it is now abandoned, it is going to be restored and transformed into a local history museum. The camposaz project has been realized at the base of the two most exposed facades, framing the building with wooden structures and wooden pavements. The tridimensional elements placed at the corners are conceived to keep a safe distance from the ruining building and to generate an actively used meeting place in a previously unutilized area.