Casa Os
An architecture project is presented under the following conditions. A couple bought one of the very few urban plots over the sea that is still unbuilt in the Cantabrico sea coast. After scouting every sea village from Plentzia to San Vicente de la Barquera for nearly a year, they found the place they where looking for in a residential estate from the 70s near to Loredo, a suburban Santander vacation village. The plot is highly sloped over a 30 meters high cliff where waves brake. Northern sea wind is too brave and violent to let non protected trees grow. Whenever someone from the dry interior land arrives, wanders why houses face south and never to the sea. South orientation and sun are most appreciated by people from the highlands who come around to buy a holiday house, while the sea is just obvious. We, on the contrary, come from far away looking for the sea, the wind, the waves, and therefore decided to get plot number 21, although going against the tide.
Plot size 90 x 50, 4500 m2 and 8% building rate, that is, 360 square meters. Basement not included. Maximum height 3 meters eaves, 6 meters total. Distance to the lateral edges 10 meters, and 12 to the back street axis. 11 meters drop. 30 minutes walk to Langre Beach and 10 to the eastern end of Puntal Beach, whose opposite end closes Santander Bay. Cantábrico horizon from west, Cabo Mayor, to east, Cabo de Ajo.
A new topography is defined in order to protect a back south garden from the persistent sea wind. The building is enclosed in a 22x22 square metres based prism, whose height is three and a half meters. The most visible façade of the house is the green vegetal roof. The main program is developed in the first floor, over a ground floor that consists of garage, facilities, storage, porch and south garden. None of the pieces over the roof is higher than the horizon line seen from the street.
The will of disturbing as less as possible in the visual topography of the landscape led us to glue the house to the ground and find out façade and roof solutions that had a direct relationship with the surroundings. The idea of a grabbed building guides the decisions about volume, position, occupation, exterior outfit and façade claddings.
The property requires a holiday house program (although everybody knows it will become their permanent home), conditioned by its use intensity variation in terms of number of inhabitants, or season. This program complexity (couple, family, friends; summer, winter; weekend, long terms) is solved attending to values of low energy, spatial simplicity and use flexibility. The houses program arranged in perpendicular stripes to the longitudinal plot axis is the following (in proximity to the sea): living/dining/library + office; Santander room + bathroom + toilet/storage + kitchen + double bathroom + multiview room; vertical patio + north hall + access patio; introvert room + indiscreet bathroom + brief space + flexible space + open bathroom + tub room; void patio + south hall + fern patio; multiple room + bathroom + south raised living + bathroom + no vacancies room. OS HOUSE is ready.
Acero laminado A42-b en vigas (IPE220) y pilares (HEB100/120).
Forjados mixtos de chapa colaborante PL59/150/1 y 12cm. de hormigón HA-25.
Armaduras acero corrugado B500S.
Pendienteado de hormigón aligerado.
Impermeabilización de dos láminas asfálticas de 4kg/m2 termoadheridas.
Protección doble geotextil y aislamiento Roofmate 80mm.
Geotextil antirraíces y 15cm de tierra vegetal.
Remate perimetral bloque de hormigón 23x9cm. y albardilla de chapa plegada VM-Zinc 0,8mm antracita.
Fachada perimetral fija:
Tabique Pladur WA 15+15+70+15 con lana de vidrio Acustiver 160/70.
Aislamiento en cámara 40mm poliuretano proyectado 40kg/m3.
Subestructura vertical tubo 60.40.4 de acero galvanizado cada 80cm anclado a cabezas de forjado.
Subestructura horizontal de pino cepillado hidrofugado 40x40mm. cada 60cm.
Panel de fachada VM-Zinc color antracita 200/25/1.
Fachada perimetral abatible:
Cerco fijo de contraventana en tubo 50.50.4 de acero galvanizado lacado al horno.
Bastidor móvil de contraventana en tubo 60.30.4 de acero galvanizado lacado al horno.
Guía de deslizamiento Klein 120 acero inoxidable.
Pernios y carril inferior de acero inoxidble lacado al horno.
Forro de contraventanas de Panel de fachada perforado VM-Zinc color antracita 200/15/0,8.
Remates de hueco horizontales y verticales en chapa plegada VM-Zinc 0,8mm antracita.
Goterón perimetral inferior en chapa plegada VM-Zinc 0,8mm antracita.
Carpintería exterior:
Carpintería de aluminio anodizado negro Cortizo COR65 abisagrada, fija, oscilobatiente y osciloparalela.
Vidrio de seguridad Climalit 4+4/12/6.
Herrajes GU en aluminio natural.
Durmiente de ladrillo macizo y alféizar de aluminio lacado negro.
Cajón delantero:
Caja de persiana superior de tablero de carrocero de 15mm. forrado de chapa plegada VM-Zinc 0,8mm antracita.
Persiana automática Gradhermetic aluminio lacado negro con estructura y guías en el mismo material.
Cajón inferior con ménsula IPE100, bandeja de acero con mortero armado y acabado superficial de Slurry negro.
Tapas en tablero de carrocero forrado en chapa plegada VM-Zinc 0,8mm antracita.
Cerramiento opaco en patios:
Tabique Pladur WA 15+15+46.
Aislamiento e impermeabilización en cámara 70mm poliuretano proyectado 40kg/m3.
Aplacado de paneles de viruta de madera de 35mm. Tektalan E-21 de Heraklit, anclados con tornillería inox.
Enfoscado de mortero de cemento y arena de río de 20mm.
Pintura antimoho color verde manzana.
Suelo interior:
Barrera de vapor mediante lámina plástica 240grs/m2.
Panel de poliestireno expandido Barbi de 25mm. y 22kg/m3. y banda perimetral de espuma de polietileno.
Suelo radiante de tuberías de polietileno reticulado para 4kg. a 95ºC.
Solera maestreada de mortero de cemento y arena de río 1/3 de 5 cm.
Parquet industrial de 25 mm de espesor en madera de roble barnizada.
Suelo exterior en patios:
Pendienteado de hormigón aligerado.
Impermeabilización de dos láminas asfálticas de 4kg/m2 termoadheridas.
Pavimento drenante Tennisquick acabado negro.