
The new divisare books are small format pocket-book size, in limited editions of 200 copies, high-resolution digital printed, bound, with a hardcover, finished in fine English paper. Titles on the cover are silver foil hot stamped. We attach great importance to the tactile quality of the book as an object as well as, of course, its contents. Unlike the web that runs fast and vanishes faster, leaving no trace, Our books have the aim of lasting in time. The idea is simple: printed paper instead of pixels; we just want to invite you to get away from the screens of your devices for a moment, to sit back in a favorite armchair and enjoy a good read, in the old fashioned way.
Considerations Sur L'etat Des Beaux Arts: Critique de la modernité Jean Clair
Salon to Biennial Exhibitions that Made Art History, Volume 1: 1863-1959 Bruce Altshuler
A Short History of Cahiers du Cinéma Emilie Bickerton
Achtung! Texte 1967-1991 Daniel Buren
On (Surplus) Value in Art Reflections, No. 1 Diedrich Diederichsen
Rock My Religion  Writings and Projects 1965-1990 Dan Graham
Six Years The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 Lucy R. Lippard
Exhibiting the New Art 'Op Losse Schroeven' and 'When Attitudes Become Form' 1969 Wim Bereen (Author), Charles Harrison (Author), Harald Szeemann (Author), Tommaso Trini (Author), Christian Rattemeyer (Editor), Teresa Gleadowe (Foreword)
Documenta 5 Harald Szeemann, Marlis Grüterich
Art Power Boris Groys
Art and Visual Perception Rudolf Arnheim
Storia Sociale Della Fotografia Ando Gilardi
Understanding a Photograph John Berger
Lump: The Dog who ate a Picasso David Douglas Duncan
Donald Judd Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden 27. August bis 15. Oktober 1989 Donald Judd
My Last Sigh The Autobiography of Luis Buñuel Luis Buñuel
Diary of a Genius Salvador Dalí