
Takuji Shimmura

Hamonic+Masson & Associés, Takuji Shimmura · Alta tower
Alta tower
Le Havre - France
chartier dalix architectes, Takuji Shimmura, Camille Gharbi · New Headquarters of the APHP Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris
New Headquarters of the APHP Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris
Paris - France
With photos also by Camille Gharbi
Comte Vollenweider, Takuji Shimmura · Sonia Delauney Residence
Sonia Delauney Residence
Mouans-Sartoux - France
Architecture by Comte Vollenweider
Comte Vollenweider, Takuji Shimmura · Simone Veil middle school
Simone Veil middle school
Nice - France
Architecture by Comte Vollenweider
chartier dalix architectes, Takuji Shimmura, Camille Gharbi · Modernisation of the Lourcine Barracks for the University of Law
Modernisation of the Lourcine Barracks for the University of Law
Paris - France
With photos also by Camille Gharbi
Leclercq Associés, Takuji Shimmura, Salem Mostefaoui · ORA SIÉGE CANON
Paris - France
Architecture by Leclercq Associés
With photos also by Salem Mostefaoui
Leclercq Associés, Takuji Shimmura · Scor Auber
Scor Auber
Paris - France
Architecture by Leclercq Associés
Leclercq Associés, Takuji Shimmura · INSEP - Pôle Aquatique
INSEP - Pôle Aquatique
Paris - France
Architecture by Leclercq Associés
Leclercq Associés, Cyrille Weiner, Takuji Shimmura · INSEP - PÔLE SPORTIF
Paris - France
Architecture by Leclercq Associés
With photos also by Cyrille Weiner
Leclercq Associés, Takuji Shimmura, Cyrille Weiner · Nelson Mandela High School
Nelson Mandela High School
Paris - France
Architecture by Leclercq Associés
With photos also by Cyrille Weiner
Atelier Du Pont, Takuji Shimmura · White
Tours - France
Architecture by Atelier Du Pont
moa architecture, Takuji Shimmura · Tower EXO E2 at La Chapelle International
Tower EXO E2 at La Chapelle International
Paris - France
Architecture by moa architecture
Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects, Takuji Shimmura · Restaurant Maison
Restaurant Maison
Paris - France
Hamonic+Masson & Associés, Takuji Shimmura · The extension of the courthouse of Douai, France
The extension of the courthouse of Douai, France
Douai - France
VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage   , Takuji Shimmura · JO & JOE
Gentilly - France